Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I suck, I know.

I know I have not posted frequently enough or even at all. I apologize to all our faithful readers. I realized that I had been overly slack when Phil Graham made a comment to me yesterday. I had no idea that guy did anything besides work and go home until he told me to update the blog yesterday. So, this one is for the Phil’s out there.

There isn’t a damn thing going on that most of you don’t know about all ready! Candace is still pregnant and now she has a cold. Whippity-freaking-doo! Okay, I am kidding. A lot is going on.

The other weekend we moved furniture into the garage for easy removal for the people who are taking it off our hands. Thanks go out to Jared “Rock” Proctor for coming over and helping me out with the heavy lifting and later on beer drinking.

The desk was the most challenging and we ended up having to take the legs off to get it into the garage. Now I have to wait until Duncan comes to pick that up for use in their new house. We moved the guestroom furniture into the garage only to find out that Duncan will be taking the black entertainment chest to Greensboro also, so now we will be moving the guestroom furniture back. We will also have to paint the furniture to match the guestroom since it is white wicker furniture and that will not match anything in that room.

I also installed some shelves in the garage and am about to install some ceiling baskets that I have. That should be death defying and fun.

I have to give the biggest thanks to Greg Whitcomb (see
http://babywhitcomb.blogspot.com/ ) for more info on Lori and his baby that is due a week before Connor. I also hate Greg because their nursery is totally done and our nursery is far from it. Greg came over last Saturday and helped wire the nursery for an overhead light, and then helped me (did all the work while I drank) install a fan. Afterwards, we all went over to the Deaton house (see www.dennydeaton.com ) and drank the night away (minus Candace and Lori) while eating a delicious meal prepared by Denny and Niki. We finally got to see their beautiful daughter Dylan Rose Deaton. That might be the cutest kid I have ever seen.

That brings us to now. We have to remove furniture, rearrange a bunch of crap, paint, and then wait for baby furniture to arrive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI Candace and Walker! I read your blog too and I'm happy you finally updated it!! You should put pics up of Candace's belly :)
xoxo Katy and Brandon Tierney