Friday, December 7, 2007

Upcoming Stuff

Just to keep you all informed Candace and I go back to the Doctor next Wednesday at lunch. They are going to do the Down's test. There is also a SLIGHT chance they will know the sex but we are not getting our hopes up. However, if we did know before Christmas that sure would help everyone out with buying gifts for the baby for Christmas.

Also, in case any of you are interested we will be moving furniture on Sunday and hopefully cleaning out the guest room to convert it into the nursery.

I forgot to mention in my post yesterday that Candace, Jared, and Keisha (future Mrs. Proctor?) gave me Guitar Hero II for my birthday the other week. I know a lot of people will give me crap for this, but trust me until you play it you cannot hate on the game. It is really addictive. I all ready beat the game on easy level (which is really easy) and tried to go up to the medium level and cannot play any song in it's entirety. They add a fourth button and it's really tough to go from pinky finger to middle or pointer. Maybe I have poor dexterity or something. Nevertheless, it is a lot of fun and I am excited about getting better at the harder levels.

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