Sunday, May 11, 2008

Braxton Hicks

Braxton Hicks contractions are sporadic uterine contractions that start about 6 weeks into your pregnancy, although you won't be able to feel them that early. You probably won't start to notice them until sometime after mid-pregnancy, if you notice them at all. (Some women don't.) They get their name from John Braxton Hicks, an English doctor who first described them in 1872.

As your pregnancy progresses, Braxton Hicks contractions tend to come somewhat more often, but until you get to your last few weeks, they'll probably remain infrequent, irregular, and essentially painless. Sometimes, though, Braxton Hicks contractions are hard to distinguish from early signs of preterm labor.

See also, "living hell for wife and husband."  I feel very bad for Candace now b/c she is experiencing these Braxton Hicks contractions now (not the same as THOSE contractions but little ones that still hurt like crap) and there is nothing I can do in order to make them go away.  I wonder if Connor will actually wait until June 2nd before making his grand appearance.  

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