Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Final Post

'Tis a mixed day I am having.  I am sad to say this will be my final post here.  

We're moving!  Not literally, I'm just making the switch from Blogger.com to use my account at Humzoo.com  

You will still just go to www.walkerandcandace.com just like you have before except the look will be a little different.  

Thanks and see you over at www.Humzoo.com

Walker, Candace, Connor, Rylee, and Belle

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Birth to Now

So far so good with what's going on at the Ham house.
Connor continues to poop, pee, cry, and eat. He's a pretty easy baby to work with. He gets a little angry every now and then, but it's easy to figure out what he wants: 1) to be cleaned 2) to eat or 3) sleep. I wish I could just cry and someone would stick a boob in my mouth or take off my pants and clean me. That would be the life. I am kidding there.

Over the weekend Candace started to develop a rash around her incision. I told her to stop bathing in the creek across the street weeks ago. Her lips also swelled up like Angeline Jolie's. Turns out Candace had an allergic reaction to the strips they placed across her incision. She went to the doctor to get a shot and some steroids to take in order to calm everything down. She says she is feeling better all ready, so I guess she can go back to bathing in the creek soon.
Speaking of bathing it turns out that tying your infant to a chair and putting the hose to him is a bad idea. Who knew? Kidding again. We have bathed Connor numerous times and it is really funny to watch and do. He is the tiniest person on Earth and I cannot imagine loving anyone (besides Candace and our dogs) more. He cracks me up when he opens his eyes and looks around. I wish his head would stop falling over so much. Sure am glad he got the "Proctor Big Head gene." Thanks a lot Jared.

Jared has actually been really awesome (so has Keisha) through all of this. I am sad he decided to leave his old job, but am also thankful he did because without him getting through all of this would prove to be a lot more difficult. I cannot believe I just thanked Jared for his help with our infant son. That being said Candace, Connor, and I would like to thank everyone who has helped us recently with everything (special props to Robin Bailey and her dank Chicken Parmegan)!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Continue with your prayers

Hello to all!!!! We hope that everyone is doing well and had an enjoyable weekend. Walker and I would ask that you continue to pray for our friend Bo. Bo received a second lung transplant this weekend. If you would like to follow his journey please link to Bo Johnson blog to the right of the text. Our love and prayers are with the Johnson family during this very difficult time. Please continue to pray for our friends during this trying time.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Please pray for our friend, Bo

As many of you know we have a very dear friend that was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer 2 years. While he done better than anyone has expected the next 24 hours are critical and we know that all the extra prayers will help him get through the next little bit.

Last night Bo and Christi got the call that they found a new pair of lungs for Bo. This comes with mixed emotion but know that this was the right decision. With that being said his new lungs are in and there are some complications and we all need to pray. Even if you dont usually pray, please do so for Bo and his family. We love you all and will update as soon as we know anything.

All our love,
Walker, Candace and Connor

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Here are some more Pics

Here is another photo album in case you were not all ready tired of all the other photos we have all ready posted.

First Night @ Home

I think we were spoiled at the hospital the past few days. Nothing unexpected last night with our first night at home. We tried to lie down and place Connor in the bassinet to let him sleep alone for the first time. He was not really having it. He would stay quiet for a little while and then completely blow-up. We went back and forth the entire evening. I would sleep for an hour or two and then Candace would. She would feed and then I would stay up with him and change his diaper. I am making it out to be a lot worse than it actually was.

Around 3:30 a.m. Candace woke me up to take Connor for a little while. I decided to walk him down the hallway to his nursery and sit in the glider. Things were going well until I heard something come out of his rear end that sounded like something an adult would do. This was my first big doodie diaper. I changed that diaper while he screamed and then as soon as we were done he was asleep on the changing pad. I decided to not mess with a good thing and let him lay there. I even put the Sleeping Sheep with the heartbeat sound turned on right next to him. I was a little nervous b/c the changing pad is on top of his dresser which is about 36" tall. So, I sat there reading my new copy of "Men's Health" magazine under the light from the bathroom that came through the crack in the door. Apparently, I need to eat better. I blame Phil for all this.

While reading "Men's Health" I realized that I need to prepare my own meals as much as possible (duh). This is something I think we all know, but now with Connor I am going to really try hard and pack my lunch for work. Packing my own lunch will save us thousands of dollars a year (I ran the numbers in my head and a rough estimate is over $4,500 a year), save my health, and allow me to eat whatever I want instead of eating what's around the Lake Norman area.

Today, my mom came over this morning to hang out with Connor and see us as well. She and I ran errands while the Grahams came over to let the girls see Connor and drop off Rylee. Both our dogs have done extremely well with Connor. Belle even growled at Rylee when she tried to get close to Connor. I knew one of them would be uber-protective. Looks like it will be Belle. Mom is also going to make us dinner tonight that should last a few nights. Last night we enjoyed Keisha's Chicken Chili. It was ridiculously delicious. She also brought over Chili Frito's, sour cream, and cheddar cheese for toppings. Along with a few cold beers (due to the spiciness of the chili) the Chili made for a great dinner.

Wish us luck tonight and Happy Memorial Day from Candace, Walker, Connor, Belle and Rylee!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Day #2 with Connor

Day 2 with Connor is going well.  Phil and Lena came by last night and brought us some dinner.  Then Phil and I had some dessert in the cafeteria which I think should be outlawed in all 50 states.  It was vanilla soft-serve ice cream with mini Reese's Pieces and a large spoonful of real peanut butter.  It may have been the best dessert I have ever had.  Candace ate a lot of it, but that was okay with me since she did grow a baby in her belly and then let some doctors cut it open over the past 9 months.  Connor has also gone through a lot of diapers today which is good.  He is gone through about twice as many diapers as normal babies, and he has eaten a lot too (like his old man). Candace has walked around a lot today and is doing tremendously better.  Today for lunch Kim and Sara Jane met us and we ate outside which was great for Candace.

Connor has also found his thumb and pretty much his entire arm.  This is really good.  
See below for my favorite picture of him yet.  Candace said I cannot put any stuff in his hair to give him a spike like his old man, but I think you can all see that he has really blonde hair.  We'll have to wait and see what Candace let's me do with his hair.

Tonight for dinner I achieved some mental help by getting out of the hospital and walking down East Blvd. to 131 Main to get some to go food.  Right now Uncle Jared is holding him while we watch the NBA playoffs.  

Tomorrow we will come home.  Wish us all luck.


Thursday, May 22, 2008

May 22nd, 2008

Our first night with Connor has been pretty good.  We sleep for 3 hours while he is in the nursery.  They bring him back in to feed (he loves to eat like his father).  Sleep is great on the bed/bench thing I have to use, not.  It's also really hard to sleep because any noise he makes puts me into Defcon 5 mode.

So far I have changed 3 diapers.  2 were fully-loaded and I did extremely well per Connor and Candace.  Kudos to Walker.  

Also, sorry for the delay in posting more frequently while here in the hotel.  The network here is garbage.  I think it's the first wi-fi network that runs on dial-up that I have ever seen.

More to come later and hopefully a HD video of Connor. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

More Pics of Connor

Please Go Here to see more pictures of Connor with friends and family.

Please welcome William Connor Ham

Please welcome William Connor Ham.  Almost 20 inches and weighed in at 6 pounds 12 ounces.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Connor is Impatient

Like is father, Connor waits for no one.  At about 10:35 p.m. on Tuesday, May 20th Candace's water broke.  It's funny how every book I read talked about how you will not have the late night water break with a mad dash to the hospital.  I say bullshit to that. 

It is currently 11:35 p.m. and we are at the Hospital.  Check back soon for more updates.

Love to all.

New Domain

FYI to the 4 people that read this site consistently:

You can now go to www.WalkerandCandace.com to view the blog.

Owen Whitcomb is here

Our good friend, Lori and Greg Whitcomb, went in for a check-up on Friday the 16th and were told that Lori would be induced the next morning. At 12:15pm on Saturday, May 17th Owen Whitcomb was born. Please check out www.gregwhit.com for more information on their new son.

Saturday I was scheduled to attend Boot Camp for Dads with Greg. Friday afternoon I was informed that Lori would be induced so I canceled our plans for the class. That morning Candace and I woke up really early for no reason. We should be getting our sleep now. I made my famous banana and chocolate chip pancakes. We then cleaned the bathrooms, dusted, vacuumed the house, I hung a mirror, and picked up in preparation for Connor's arrival. Now we only need to wash all his clothes. That is marked for completion this week. After we cleaned, Candace and Kim went to eat lunch and run errands while I went to meet Ben at their new house and hang out. Ben and I ate at the Penguin Drive-In that some of you may recall from the "Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives" TV show from the Food Network. That was some seriously good food. We then went back to the Moore house to drink beer, smoke cigars, and mow the grass using Ben's riding lawnmower. Solid, redneck afternoon in Charlotte. Candace was really happy.

On Sunday, I ended up getting my own boot camp by taking care of Preston Graham along with Peyton and Patterson while Phil and Lena traveled back from our company trip to Napa Valley in California. I did not clean any diapers. I did give him his bottle 3 times with success and did not drop him. I also gave him his bath along with the girls. No one slipped in the tub and everyone went to bed pretty easily. I consider the day an overall success.

Monday night Candace and I grilled out some pretty tasty turkey burgers with Uncle Jared and Aunt Keisha. Jared and Keisha brought over "real" meat while Candace and I ate the turkey burgers. I have to admit they were not that bad, but then again with enough cheese anything can taste good. We also served baked beans and fries seasoned with rosemart and olive oil. Burgers, beans, fries, and Coors Light. God bless America.

This weeks marks an exciting week for us. This will be the last week of work for Candace, and marks that we only have 2 weeks left until they deliver Connor (unless he decides to come earlier). I feel like there is so much we have left to do and I have left to learn.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Braxton Hicks

Braxton Hicks contractions are sporadic uterine contractions that start about 6 weeks into your pregnancy, although you won't be able to feel them that early. You probably won't start to notice them until sometime after mid-pregnancy, if you notice them at all. (Some women don't.) They get their name from John Braxton Hicks, an English doctor who first described them in 1872.

As your pregnancy progresses, Braxton Hicks contractions tend to come somewhat more often, but until you get to your last few weeks, they'll probably remain infrequent, irregular, and essentially painless. Sometimes, though, Braxton Hicks contractions are hard to distinguish from early signs of preterm labor.

See also, "living hell for wife and husband."  I feel very bad for Candace now b/c she is experiencing these Braxton Hicks contractions now (not the same as THOSE contractions but little ones that still hurt like crap) and there is nothing I can do in order to make them go away.  I wonder if Connor will actually wait until June 2nd before making his grand appearance.  

Thursday, May 8, 2008

What a Wicked Head Fake

June 2nd, 2008. Connor Ham will enter the world. We will be in the hospital by 5:30 AM Monday morning.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Week has been Determined

So Candace went to the doctor today and was informed that Connor will be here sometime during the last week of May.  The week or Memorial Day to be exact.  

Also, we were told that a Connor is still breech and him turning seems unlikely.  I have posted a new poll so you can all vote what day he will be born.  The winner will receive a dirty diaper fedex to them free of charge.  So vote now!

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Picture to the Right is Wrong

Apparently that's what your baby looks like if he is not "breech." Connor is kicking it upright in Candace's belly right now. Looks like we can skip the child-birth classes and only attend the Cesarean classes along with the infant CPR classes. We have yet to attend a class so that is great. Glad I am starting off on the right foot here as a parent. Now that soccer is over we should be able to knock out these classes in no time.

Also, since some of you may or may not know I am going to inform you all that Candace was really sick on Friday night (May 2nd) into the early hours of Saturday morning with some kind of stomach bug. We woke up early Saturday morning and attempted to visit the Urgent Care to get treated, but ended up getting sent down to CMC in Charlotte where we visited the ER and got 2 liters of fluids in Candace and some much needed rest. On a side note I think it is totally badass that the hospital has Fox Soccer channel on their TVs. Maybe this child birth thing won’t be so bad after all.

After we spent a good 2 hours in the ER, got treated by two people from the cast of Gray’s Anatomy (the DR was about 18 and the nurse was hot) we were sent up to the Maternity center on the 8th floor to be observed for a few more hours. Candace’s doctor did not seem to be too worried so that was refreshing. We left about 3:00 pm after being there since 9:00 am. The hospital cafeteria has pretty good bacon cheeseburgers so I know Duncan will be happy when he comes to visit his nephew later this month or next.

We also found out that Connor is measuring at 40 weeks! Everyone kept saying that if they had to deliver the baby today it would not be a problem. Can you say bullshit?! That would be a major problem as I have not totally mentally prepared myself for this yet. I don’t know if we even have any diapers, nor do I know how to change one yet. Candace did not like the idea of Connor coming this weekend either so I am glad I wasn’t the only one not ready for him just yet.

Candace is at home today and tomorrow resting and recuperating from the dehydration and lack of sleep. I guess the lack of sleep is something we should get used to, huh? That is all for now.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Doctor Visit 4/15

Candace and I went to the doctor the other day for an ultrasound and overall check-up. Candace's amniotic fluids were low the last time she went in so they are doing check-ups weekly now just to be sure. The good news is her fluids were back up to strong levels, and everyone is extremely healthy. I still am not sure how a heartbeat as fast as Connor's can be healthy.

Connors is about a week ahead of schedule now so it appears he may be here by Memorial Day weekend.

This weekend my good friend Ben is coming up to help me install a fence along the back and side yards of the house. That way when Candace is home with Connor she can just open the backdoor to let the dogs out instead of having to put them all on a leash and carry Connor. That would be ridiculous. The good news is neither Lowe's or Home Depot carry the gates we want to use (at least not the ones near me). I will be traveling to the Lowe's in Belmont on Thursday afternoon to pick them up, and then heading into Charlotte for a haircut. I will also pick up the brackets, vinyl adhesive, screws, and decorative tops for the posts while in Belmont. Then I can pick up the posts and sections Friday after work. Then Saturday morning I will pick up the 2-man auger from Lowe's that I reserved. Hopefully, Ben and I can get done in one day and then relax while observing our succcess.

The completion of the fence will most likely complete all the major projects for the house that I have to do before Connor gets here. We are also having an alarm system installed on April 22nd.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

66 Freaking Days?

What the hell is happening? I think God is making time fly faster and faster. I haven't even gotten the new Grand Theft Auto video game for Xbox to play yet. No way I can play that game once Connor gets here, at least not until he falls asleep.

Over the past few weeks Candace and I have been lucky enough to be able to travel with some of our good friends. We spent Easter weekend with Marcos and Kim Castro in Blowing Rock. We were also able to see some of the Grouse Moor Catering crew I used to work with. It was really nice going to Buddy's on a sunny day over the weekend. The mountain winds were not welcome.

The following weekend marked our 3rd Annual: Graham 'n' Ham Trip. Yes we have a name for the annual trip. Along with Phil and Lena Graham we went to Charleston, SC for some relaxation, good eats, and good drinks. The weather was perfect all weekend except for the day we left. I guess you could not ask for it any other way.

Candace is starting to get less and less sleep. I think Connor is sleeping during the day and then running around at night. I hope that is not a sign of things to come. Only time will tell. The house is nearly done. In two weeks one of my best friends, Ben Moore, will come over to help me intsall a fence in the backyard. That way Candace can let the dogs out into the backyard without a leash while she is home with Connor. Walking them along with a stroller will prove to be difficult, and we have yet to figure that part out yet.

Candace and I hope all 3 of you that read this blog are doing well.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Baby Furniture is In!

Tools that I thought would be needed. Turns out all I needed were a philips and flathead screwdriver along with pliers.
Bolts, casters, and other fasteners.
Instruction book for the crib.
That's right 15 pages of instructions. I only needed 4.

The only other real tool needed is on the window sill.
Belle admiring my fine work.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Manual Labor

I decided after I finished painting the guest bathroom over the weekend that I am not cut out for manual labor. At least not painting. First of all, I woke up (was woken up) by 8 am with a solid hangover from celebrating a birthday for one of my fellow coaches. I felt great. Something about shots, dark beers, and late night Wendy's makes a man not feel his best.

Candace took the dogs on a walk and had me clean the shower in the master bathroom as well as the vanity. I nearly passed out from the fumes twice. It was a rainy day so after some much needed H2O and food I made the decision to paint Connor's bathroom. Man that was a stupid idea, but turned out to be perfect timing as we are gone almost every weekend over the next month.

I had to make a run to Lowe's to get some more rollers for the bathroom and a much needed Orange Gatorade. I came back and started taping the bathroom. Which totally sucked. I never thought the taping would end. There were millions of corners, seams, and places that had to be taped. Once the taping was done I began painting. Candace and I agreed (she told me the color we would use) on "milk chocolate." Painting a white wall with brown paint is not easy as the little places that don't get fully covered are REALLY visible. That drove me crazy. So here it is Monday night and I still have touch up work to do and I just know I am missing some spots. Ugghhh...

The color is really nice. Candace has picked out some nice blues to go with the brown. One of the benefits of painting the small bathroom is I could climb and walk on everything. The vanity, the toilet, the tub, and the ladder. I felt like Spider-Man. I only almost fell 3 times. I do feel rewarded in the end, but think I will hire someone to paint our rooms in our next house. Playing Xbox 360 all day to get rid of a hangover would have been a lot more fun.

Sunday, our game was canceled again due to the large amounts of rain from the day before. Which meant Candace and I were able to go to Rusty Rudder and watch UNC win another ACC Tournament title giving them the #1 seed in the East Region for the NCAA Tournament and the most ACC Tournament wins of all time. That was a good day.

Pictures of the finished bathroom to come later.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Couple Shower

This past weekend our good friends, Phil and Lena Graham, hosted a Couples Shower for us at their home here in Huntersville. Lena really outdid herself with tasty desserts, some green punch that was addictive, and fun games for everyone. Thanks need to especially go out to the Grahams. Candace and I would also like to thank all of you that came and shared your Sunday afternoon with us. Connor would like to thank you all.

Below are some pictures of the shower.

Here is a good shot of Dad, Mom, and the two uncles Jared (green) and Duncan (Red).

Here are Lena, and Phil. Another good friend, Christi is holding Preston Graham on the couch. Preston is a future accomplice to Connor.

Candace holding up a onesie that Sara Jane got us. This way he can come to work with Daddy. Also, you can see that Sara Jane got a present just for me.
Future Uncle Jared and Candace in a candid shot.
Preston Graham. Most chill baby ever.
Candace's growing belly. She is going to be pissed I posted this picture. The other one is of her chest so I went with the more PG-13 one.
Candace and her best friend Kim Castro.
Candace and I sitting in our assigned seats waiting to be spoiled.
Me celebrating the gift from Sara Jane.
Two soft soccer balls for Connor to start training with as soon as he pops out. One was sacrificed to the dogs by Monday.
Very nice cake for the shower.
All the nice gifts out friends and family spoiled us with.
Mommy's tag.
Daddy's tag.
Shot of the delicious spread that was available to everyone. Lena made some peanut butter and rice krispie filled chocolate balls that were as addictive as I imagine crack is.
Nice clothesline of cools onesies, rattles, and other goodies for Connor. The one of the right that is white said: Step 1: Crawl, Step 2: Walk, Step 3: "soccer ball". Connor better love soccer or else we are going to have to get rid of a lot of stuff.

Monday, March 3, 2008

New 3d Pics

These pics kind of look spooky, but here they are anyway. All is good and he all ready looks like a PIMP!