Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Doctor Visit 4/15

Candace and I went to the doctor the other day for an ultrasound and overall check-up. Candace's amniotic fluids were low the last time she went in so they are doing check-ups weekly now just to be sure. The good news is her fluids were back up to strong levels, and everyone is extremely healthy. I still am not sure how a heartbeat as fast as Connor's can be healthy.

Connors is about a week ahead of schedule now so it appears he may be here by Memorial Day weekend.

This weekend my good friend Ben is coming up to help me install a fence along the back and side yards of the house. That way when Candace is home with Connor she can just open the backdoor to let the dogs out instead of having to put them all on a leash and carry Connor. That would be ridiculous. The good news is neither Lowe's or Home Depot carry the gates we want to use (at least not the ones near me). I will be traveling to the Lowe's in Belmont on Thursday afternoon to pick them up, and then heading into Charlotte for a haircut. I will also pick up the brackets, vinyl adhesive, screws, and decorative tops for the posts while in Belmont. Then I can pick up the posts and sections Friday after work. Then Saturday morning I will pick up the 2-man auger from Lowe's that I reserved. Hopefully, Ben and I can get done in one day and then relax while observing our succcess.

The completion of the fence will most likely complete all the major projects for the house that I have to do before Connor gets here. We are also having an alarm system installed on April 22nd.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

66 Freaking Days?

What the hell is happening? I think God is making time fly faster and faster. I haven't even gotten the new Grand Theft Auto video game for Xbox to play yet. No way I can play that game once Connor gets here, at least not until he falls asleep.

Over the past few weeks Candace and I have been lucky enough to be able to travel with some of our good friends. We spent Easter weekend with Marcos and Kim Castro in Blowing Rock. We were also able to see some of the Grouse Moor Catering crew I used to work with. It was really nice going to Buddy's on a sunny day over the weekend. The mountain winds were not welcome.

The following weekend marked our 3rd Annual: Graham 'n' Ham Trip. Yes we have a name for the annual trip. Along with Phil and Lena Graham we went to Charleston, SC for some relaxation, good eats, and good drinks. The weather was perfect all weekend except for the day we left. I guess you could not ask for it any other way.

Candace is starting to get less and less sleep. I think Connor is sleeping during the day and then running around at night. I hope that is not a sign of things to come. Only time will tell. The house is nearly done. In two weeks one of my best friends, Ben Moore, will come over to help me intsall a fence in the backyard. That way Candace can let the dogs out into the backyard without a leash while she is home with Connor. Walking them along with a stroller will prove to be difficult, and we have yet to figure that part out yet.

Candace and I hope all 3 of you that read this blog are doing well.