Friday, December 28, 2007

Stroller and Car Seat

While in Greensboro over Christmas Candace and I decided to visit Babies R Us and look at strollers and infant car seats. These are the ones we picked out and are going to buy. They are both from Peg Perego. While they did not have these actual models with the Polk-A-Dots at the store this is the one Candace fell in love with online.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Pre-Xmas Post

It's the Thursday before Christmas and I really should be packing up for the next 5 days we will be spending in Greensboro, but in all actuality I should only be packing sweatpants for the amount of food I will be consuming over the next 120 hours (that's 5 days in case you cannot do the math in your head.)

With regards to the blog layout I added two more polls. They both cover the name game for our baby. Please vote and if you have any ideas for cool names please post a comment. I all ready received votes to have an Eric or a Thomes to be used for a name from a good friend that had twin boys named Walker and Westin (I think it's spelled like the hotel.)

Other great news come all the way from Sarasota, Florida. Candace and I just learned that our good friends Erik Bass and his future wife Ame (again no idea on spelling but her name is pronounced Ah-May) are expecting their first child. She is 9 weeks along and they are both very excited. I guess something is in the air?

Candace, I, and the future little Ham want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year.

Monday, December 17, 2007

More Ultrasound Pictures

Here are some more pictures from when Candace and I went to the doctor last Wednesday. These are just profile pictures as Candace did not get any that showed the male parts we think we saw.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

It's a Boy!


Yesterday Candace and I went to the doctor to have some scheduled test done and an ultrasound. While doing the ultrasound (which is freaking awesome) the doctor showed us different angles and views of the baby. Per the doctor everyone looks to be healthy and progressing nicely. That was really good to hear and made both of us relax.

While administering the ultrasound one of the views she showed us was a view from the rear end of the baby as if the baby were lying on its back with legs and arms in the air. So we would be looking pretty much at the baby’s butt and that is where the ultrasound specialist/technician said she saw what she thinks are male parts. Candace confirmed that she too saw the same thing as did I. Immediately I think Candace then began to think about all the trouble our son would get into if in fact our baby is a boy. Lord knows if he is anything like I was (or still am depending on who you ask) then we do have our work cut out for us. We will provide picture proof later this week once I can get the pictures scanned in and posted.

After all that I was excused as Candace had some more tests to do like pricking her finger and some other stuff that I was clearly not needed for. I got to go back to work. Later that afternoon, Candace called me and told me that her doctor said that it was way too early to tell the sex of the baby (Candace is almost 15 weeks) and that we were most likely having a girl. Either way we are both really excited about everyone being healthy.

We go back on January 9th (day before I leave for Vegas) and we will know 100% then the sex of the baby. If in face it is a boy we have decided on William Connor Ham. If it's a girl we have decided on Ella Taylor Ham. Also, our friends Greg and Lori are on schedule as well as they are due 1 week before we are and will know the sex of their baby exactly 1 week before us.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Upcoming Stuff

Just to keep you all informed Candace and I go back to the Doctor next Wednesday at lunch. They are going to do the Down's test. There is also a SLIGHT chance they will know the sex but we are not getting our hopes up. However, if we did know before Christmas that sure would help everyone out with buying gifts for the baby for Christmas.

Also, in case any of you are interested we will be moving furniture on Sunday and hopefully cleaning out the guest room to convert it into the nursery.

I forgot to mention in my post yesterday that Candace, Jared, and Keisha (future Mrs. Proctor?) gave me Guitar Hero II for my birthday the other week. I know a lot of people will give me crap for this, but trust me until you play it you cannot hate on the game. It is really addictive. I all ready beat the game on easy level (which is really easy) and tried to go up to the medium level and cannot play any song in it's entirety. They add a fourth button and it's really tough to go from pinky finger to middle or pointer. Maybe I have poor dexterity or something. Nevertheless, it is a lot of fun and I am excited about getting better at the harder levels.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

First Baby Pictures

AKA Ultrasounds in case you all did not know. Candace had to stop by her doctor the other day because she was not feeling well. Her doctor assured us that everything is okay and to not worry so that was a relief. While there the doctor did an ultrasound on the baby and we were able to get the first pictures of our new baby. You can clearly see an arm in one of the pictures and the legs in the other one. No sex of the baby yet. However, it looks like people seem to think that we are having a girl. Read one of my previous posts to understand how I feel about what sex we are having. We will most likely not know the sex until after Christmas. We are both REALLY excited over the first picture of our new baby.

So the other night I decided to start moving furniture around the house to see where things would go and what would have to go when the baby comes. For those of you that do not know what our house looks like or how it is layed out we have a 3 bedroom 2.5 bathroom house that is just under 1800 sq. ft. Somehow all of our closets are full of clothes and other stuff with only two people. Basically, I have my work cut out for me to reorganize our house, but luckily my good friend owns Affordable Custom Closets (Ask for Chris Bradley and tell him Walker sent you) so hopefully he can help us with re-doing our master closet so Candace and I can both fit our clothes in there.

I first started by moving our office desk to another part of the room to see if the guest bed would fit in that room along with the desk so we would not have to buy another desk or convert to a laptop (which is really what I want to do if we have to). After moving the desk to the wall that I thought the desk would fit on it is clear that the bed and desk will not fit. I also realized we have an entertainment unit to put in there as well so there is really no way to make it fit. We got a lot of furniture, but I guess that's what you get with two parents who have worked in the business all their lives.

After all that I moved the desk back and left the room just like it was before, and bought a Macbook Pro off eBay yesterday. I am really excited about making the switch from PC to Mac. With the baby coming I look forward to making DVDs, picture albums, and posting videos on youtube for everyone to see. I promise nothing of the birth will be on there rest assured.

I think this weekend I will move the guest bed and entertainment unit so we can go ahead and have that done. I am also planning on putting some wood above the garage to store more stuff like our now useless office desk. That should be tons of fun, but at least I can drink some beers while I do it I guess to make it more challenging. We are also planning on getting our tree this weekend and decorating the house. Most of this will be done on Sunday since I have Coaching Education Friday night and most of the day on Saturday.

I apologize for not posting enough so I will try and be more active in posting everything that happens. Candace has still yet to post so maybe I can get her on here to talk to you all.